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New Single – “Crooked Tooth” !

Posted on: 29 Oct 2013

Hello everyone! my new single “Crooked Tooth” is now available on Itunes official release is Dec 30th…..very exciting!!! & you may have noticed that the new video for the single is now up on my page, so take a...

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new blog…count down to JERUSALEM! 18.10.12

Posted on: 18 Oct 2012

Ok folks here I am, there has been a huge gap between my first Blog and this one, and I have to hold my hands up and say it is purely down to the fact that I am technically...

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Helen’s Spark FM Interview

Posted on: 21 Aug 2012

If you want to know some more about Calling All Angels, make sure you check out this interview with Helen on Spark FM! Remember, if you want to listen to the tracks Helen talks about, you can hear and...

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new blog…count down to JERUSALEM! 18.10.12

Posted on: 18 Oct 12

Ok folks here I am, there has been a huge gap between my first Blog and this one, and I have to hold my hands up and say it is purely down to the fact that I am technically...

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My first blog entry – Hello

Posted on: 18 Apr 12

Hi Folks, Well it might have been a while, but here I am, new album “Calling All Angels” ready to go and planned for release on July 16th. It’s been a long journey to get this record out, but...

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