
New Single – “Crooked Tooth” !

Posted on: 29 Oct 2013

Hello everyone!
my new single “Crooked Tooth” is now available on Itunes :) official release is Dec 30th…..very exciting!!!
& you may have noticed that the new video for the single is now up on my page, so take a look!!!!
Hope you love it as much as I do x

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new blog…count down to JERUSALEM! 18.10.12

Posted on: 18 Oct 2012

Ok folks here I am, there has been a huge gap between my first Blog and this one, and I have to hold my hands up and say it is purely down to the fact that I am technically inept, but now I have full access to my own website, so I will be on here blogging away!

So much has happened on the last single “The Innocents”, festivals/gigs etc, radio tour, press interviews, phoners etc and I’m now getting ready for the next single “Jerusalem” to be released on Nov 5th (my mum’s birthday and bonfire night!) so this single will be going off with a bang.

I will be going to Brighton to record BalconyTV on Oct 29th (my husband’s birthday! : ) I only do things on people I know’s birthdays) which I will be putting straight up on line.

Also the new video for “Jerusalem” is up on line now and will be shortly here on the website too. Let me know your thoughts!

on Nov 17th I will be involved in the Warp Films 10 Anniversary event at Magna Sheffield when they will be showing “Dead Man’s Shoes” … myself, Gav Clark, Joel Cadbury, Ted Hughes & Ally will be performing live to picture….very exciting! will keep you posted on that & if there’s any footage I’ll get it up on line.

Anyway quick update, & in the words of Arnie “I will be back”! sooner than you think next time : )

Love h xxx

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Helen’s Spark FM Interview

Posted on: 21 Aug 2012

If you want to know some more about Calling All Angels, make sure you check out this interview with Helen on Spark FM!

Remember, if you want to listen to the tracks Helen talks about, you can hear and buy them on iTunes.

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Behind the Music: It Might Just Be You

Posted on: 6 Aug 2012

This is the next track from Calling All Angels that i want to share with you

It Might Just Be You

“This is a realisation that the person you’re with is ‘the one’, but this song totally underplays it; saying ‘it might just be you’ when you totally know he’s the one.
The enormity of the statement ‘you’re the one’ I personally think is made gorgeous by understating it – gosh she just can’t have the balls to say it out loud as its a frightening statement to make!
So instead she weaves around the subject basically saying it in everyway but the actual words, ‘You’re the one’!”

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Behind the music: Glorious

Posted on: 31 Jul 2012

This week I let you in on the thoughts behind track 10 from Calling All Angels.


“This is a celebratory song – realising that it’s such a gift to be alive. Getting present to all the beautiful gifts around us; getting present to love in your life. Pretty much, getting present to the glory of love/life/god/the universe whatever you wanna call it : )”

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Check out my interview with

Posted on: 30 Jul 2012

I was recently interviewed by I talk about what it was like making the new album ‘Calling All Angels’, and loads more:

The album you’ve just released “Calling All Angels” is your second album. How have people received it in relation to your first?

“Well people have got the concept of it more, they seem to understand what it’s all about. With the first album, a lot of people didn’t get the references in it but that hasn’t been a problem this time round. So yeah, I feel extremely proud of this one. It’s always nice when you work hard on something and people get it and appreciate it. The radio have loved it and the press have seemed to love it too! We’re really close to being on TV now, which is really exciting.”

Read the full interview here


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Behind the music: ‘Great Expectations’

Posted on: 24 Jul 2012

So I wanted to give you a little insight into my tracks so that you could understand what they’re about. This is the first of a few… Read below and listen/buy the track on Calling All Angels.

Great Expectations:

“It’s a rare time, but you know those situations where you can’t get on with someone no matter how hard you try. This song is about acceptance of that person and accepting that you can’t always get on with everyone and that even though you’re different and you’re not meant to agree or hang out, you accept that fact. It could relate to friends, lovers, family, all relationships really ; )”

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‘Calling All Angels’ – Out Now!

Posted on: 18 Jul 2012

I am so excited to tell you all that my new album is out now! you can get your hands on both physical and digital copies using the links below.



Amazon MP3



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‘The Innocents’ added to NME

Posted on: 12 Jul 2012

The video for my new single ‘The Innocents’ has been added to the NME website. To watch the video, click here. Thanks NME!

Also, you can download the track here


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My new single ‘The Innocents’ is now available!

Posted on: 9 Jul 2012

I am so excited to announce that the first single taken from my new album, is now available for download. You can get your copy from the links below. Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as i enjoyed making it!

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